Saturday, July 18, 2015

Junior Camp #2: Friday

We are nearing the end of Junior Camp 2 here at PSR, and after cabin Commanche raised the flag, our specialty camps spent their mornings finishing their final class sessions. Some of those sessions included Gymnastics rehearsing for their Saturday night performance, Digital Photography doing some light writing, and Ropes Course taking on the zip line and leap of faith.

A brave camper flying down the zip line

In the afternoon, Super Big Event took place. The campers played a large game of Capture the Flag, then split off to participate in various open activities. Field games and the ropes course were open, but the pool in particular was a very popular place to be. Even a few counselors hopped in to escape the heat.

Diving in at the pool

After successfully working up our appetites, we enjoyed a classic dinner of haystacks, and then began preparations for Sabbath. As usual, our Friday night concluded with Pageant. This year’s program follows a young girl being led astray by the temptations of the world, only to find her way back into her family’s loving arms.

At the end of the program, our campers were given the opportunity to give their lives to Christ, and several answered the call. The moments of reflection after Pageant always offer a wonderful chance for campers and staff alike to think about all the things God has done for us and to rededicate ourselves to Him.

Campers committing themselves to Christ

I’m excited to see what else Sabbath has in store,                    -Colin

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