Our Campers at Outpost |
The first two days of our last week of camp have gone by so fast. The teen campers arrived Sunday afternoon and didn't waist time settling in. Before too long they were up at the campfire bowl watching skits about mountain climbers afraid of trails, non-linear temporal displacement, and an eccentric future where all the kids use kitty doggy gram face space. Needless to say, the play is a light hearted and fun introduction to camp for our campers.
This week of camp is a little different than the others. The campers that come to camp this week are likely to apply as staff next year. These campers get a few more opportunities to impress us and gain our trust. These campers also don’t need nearly as much help as some of our younger kids which gives us even more time to minister to them and help them “walk the talk”.
Team Watersports Trip |
On Monday the campers were introduced to their activities for the first time and we evaluated their current skill levels so we could adapt the classes for their needs. Today the Team Watersports class went on a “Day-Away” trip to Wet-n-Wild. They had a ton of fun and the rest of us here at camp had a blast too.
Small Engine Racing Class |
Tomorrow we are sending the small engine racing class to Pole Position where they can race on a high quality indoor track.
Everyday here is a new adventure and we can’t wait to see what tomorrow has in store, -Colin