Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Teen Camp: Monday and Tuesday

Our Campers at Outpost

The first two days of our last week of camp have gone by so fast. The teen campers arrived Sunday afternoon and didn't waist time settling in. Before too long they were up at the campfire bowl watching skits about mountain climbers afraid of trails, non-linear temporal displacement, and an eccentric future where all the kids use kitty doggy gram face space. Needless to say, the play is a light hearted and fun introduction to camp for our campers.

This week of camp is a little different than the others. The campers that come to camp this week are likely to apply as staff next year. These campers get a few more opportunities to impress us and gain our trust. These campers also don’t need nearly as much help as some of our younger kids which gives us even more time to minister to them and help them “walk the talk”. 

Team Watersports Trip
On Monday the campers were introduced to their activities for the first time and we evaluated their current skill levels so we could adapt the classes for their needs. Today the Team Watersports class went on a “Day-Away” trip to Wet-n-Wild. They had a ton of fun and the rest of us here at camp had a blast too.

Small Engine Racing Class
Tomorrow we are sending the small engine racing class to Pole Position where they can race on a high quality indoor track.

Everyday here is a new adventure and we can’t wait to see what tomorrow has in store,    -Colin

Monday, July 27, 2015

Tween/Teen Week: Saturday and Sunday

Saturday brought many blessings to PSR this week. Being able to sleep in and have breakfast in the cabins was one. Another was being able to experience the Sabbath Village set up outdoors, near the south end of camp.

Jesus quotes scripture to the Govenor
In the Sabbath Village, our campers met several characters who were caught up in their own lives, trying to sell their wares to passersby to get through each day. Eventually, the governor of the village came through and looked them over, deciding they were all worthless human beings who did not contribute positively to society. 

One particular visitor, however, happened to be in the crowd, and He explained how appearances and possessions are not all that matter in life. As you can probably guess, that visitor was Jesus. After the governor left, we witnessed the change in the villagers’ attitudes and the effect Jesus’s words had on their lives.

The effect Jesus can have on an entire village is powerful, but His effect on a single person is just as beautiful. This week, Pine Springs Ranch looked on as a camper was baptized in our very own pool. It brings us great joy to have our campers make the decision to give their lives to Christ in front of their friends and family here.

Now that we have officially entered our final week of the year, we have a new batch of campers. Some of them have been here for at least eight years, and some are here for the very first time. We hope that as these teenagers come in and experience camp, they are also affected by the love of Jesus. 

Sunday Night at the Ranch for our final week.
All of us on the PSR staff are looking forward to seeing what this week brings for these campers. Tonight, we had Sunday Night at the Ranch for the last time this year. As we wrap up each program, we are hoping to reach as many kids as we can, so that even more may decide they want to better know God.

Excited to finish the year strong,     -Colin

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Tween Week: Thursday and Friday

Big Event
Two more days at camp and I have so much to tell you. Thursday and Friday ease us into the weekend in interesting and exciting ways. Thursday we took the ropes course class down the hill for a “Day-Away” trip. The kids got a chance to climb in an indoor gym and spend some time down the mountain with the ropes course family.

Ropes Trip
Later in the evening we had our annual carnival. Carnival started with a life sized quiz-based version of the classic board game Sorry. From there, we take the kids to participate in basketball, lasertag, a Photo Booth and a wide array of carnival foods such as Ice-cream, nachos and pop-corn. Carnival is our way of having a fun night with the campers before the levity of Friday night.

Speaking of Friday, today was very special. We started the morning with the last sessions of our classes and then sat down together for lunch. This afternoon we had our “Super Big Event”. We started with a regular big event on the field and then transitioned to a selection of open activities such as the pool, ropes course, field games, lasertag, and cornucopia. 

A Scene from Pageant
We then gave the campers an opportunity to prepare for sabbath before our pageant. Pageant is my favorite part of the week. Seeing hundreds of kids giving their hearts to Christ reminds us of why we are here. Our mission of “Calling Campers to Christ” is what motivates us throughout the summer. 

We can’t wait to see what Christ does in the lives of our campers,              -Colin

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Tween Week: Tuesday and Wednesday

Camp Council

 The last two days here at camp have been full of exciting moments great programs and some fantastic campers. We heard a few fun stories from Pastor Sara, including a harrowing tale of how God protected her from the Russian Mafia. Needless to say, the campers find her stories extremely entertaining. 

Classes are in full swing and the kids are learning a ton about their chosen activity. The short film class finished their storyboard and script today and will commence filming in the morning. Marksmanship has finished their lessons on archery and is delving into the world of paintball.

Marksmanship Class
The Junior Chef class is making delicious food as always. Today the Adventurus class and Self-Defense joined forces and went on a hike together. Overall, it has been a great first half of the week.

We finished our Outpost play tonight and it was a hit. This is the age-group that remembers what the play was last summer and was able to draw connections between the plays. Our sequel this year is also a great stand-alone play with interesting new characters so the newer campers have just as much fun.

Water Sports Trip
We even went on two “Day-Away” trips these last few days. The water sports class went to Wet-n-Wild yesterday and they had a blast. The small engine racing class also got a chance to spend some time down the mountain at an indoor racing track.

Small Engine Racing Trip
In all the campers have been having a great week and we are extremely excited to share the rest of it with them,                -Colin

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Tween Camp: Monday

Briana taking record at line call
Today was the first full day of Tween Camp, and after we recovered from yesterday’s downpour, we continued on with our regularly scheduled programs. 

Specialty camps held their first class sessions, and the campers are well on their way to learning all sorts of new things this week. A couple of the specialty camps we have this week include Junior Chef and Skateboarding.

This afternoon, we had a lunch of vegetarian chicken nuggets, broccoli, and mashed potatoes with gravy. After eating, we had a bit of free time, followed by the very important emergency drill we perform at the beginning of every week.

Self- Defense Class
Once we got that out of the way, we proceeded with our regular activity rotations. Some of the activities included medic dodgeball at Sports and ultimate frisbee at Field Games. Of course, all that wasn’t quite enough to tire out these tween campers, so we continued the day with Big Event, in which we played a game called Turkey Run. Campers had to run through a gauntlet of “hunters” with dodgeballs, and anyone who was hit became hunters themselves. The last few cabins with members still standing earned Ultimate Cabin points.

After we replenished our energy with a haystack dinner, cabin Iroquois lowered the flag at line call, and we met at the wagons to watch the first act of this year’s Outpost. Set twenty years after last year’s program, returning campers were able to see some familiar characters while also meeting new ones. Tonight, we found Autumn Wrightley grown up with her own children, only to have the Gales come in and cause some trouble.

We’ll see how the story continues tomorrow, -Colin

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Junior Camp #2: Sabbath

Final Prayer with Pastor Jon

Tonight was our last night of Junior #2 and it surely was an interesting end to the week. Our Sabbath morning started with the sound of thunder and from there we stayed on rainy day schedule for the entirety of the day. We delivered breakfast to the cabins so the kids wouldn’t have to walk in the rain and then we moved to the Ponderosa Room for an indoor version of our weekly Sabbath village. 

Our staff all pulled together and while we would have liked to be outside in our usual locations for Sabbath programming, we had a great time. From the Ponderosa Room we traveled over to the Chaparral Room for Line call and mail delivery before trekking to the cafeteria for lunch. 

After a brief rest, we headed back to Ponderosa for Church. Pastor Jon finished his series on the armor of God with a sermon about the sword of the spirit. After church we dispersed through the lodge for an indoor version of our afternoon Sabbath program. It was a little loud in the lodge, but by God’s grace we accomplished everything today indoors.
Gymnastics Expo

We had a short vespers to close the Sabbath and then we shifted gears into our Saturday night program. The saturday night program featured a Gymnastics exposition, several skits by our staff and the media department’s end of week videos.

We work hard to make sure rain doesn't hold us back here at camp, we hope we succeed,        -Colin

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Junior Camp #2: Friday

We are nearing the end of Junior Camp 2 here at PSR, and after cabin Commanche raised the flag, our specialty camps spent their mornings finishing their final class sessions. Some of those sessions included Gymnastics rehearsing for their Saturday night performance, Digital Photography doing some light writing, and Ropes Course taking on the zip line and leap of faith.

A brave camper flying down the zip line

In the afternoon, Super Big Event took place. The campers played a large game of Capture the Flag, then split off to participate in various open activities. Field games and the ropes course were open, but the pool in particular was a very popular place to be. Even a few counselors hopped in to escape the heat.

Diving in at the pool

After successfully working up our appetites, we enjoyed a classic dinner of haystacks, and then began preparations for Sabbath. As usual, our Friday night concluded with Pageant. This year’s program follows a young girl being led astray by the temptations of the world, only to find her way back into her family’s loving arms.

At the end of the program, our campers were given the opportunity to give their lives to Christ, and several answered the call. The moments of reflection after Pageant always offer a wonderful chance for campers and staff alike to think about all the things God has done for us and to rededicate ourselves to Him.

Campers committing themselves to Christ

I’m excited to see what else Sabbath has in store,                    -Colin

Friday, July 17, 2015

Staff Profile: Charisse de Belen (Videographer)

Charisse During Staff Training
It's been a while since I've posted a staff profile, but we are back again this week and this time we are hearing from Charisse de Belen, the camp videographer. Here's what she has to say:

"If I were to make a list of my favorite things, near the top would be the night sky and being part of a well-functioning team. When I was given the opportunity to join the Pine Springs Ranch staff this summer, I figured I would get to experience those two things, but I didn’t expect just how abundant and rich those experiences would be.

I've encountered plenty of people who have been camp staff members at some point in their lives, and several years ago, I came to the conclusion that they are a whole other breed of human. They are enthusiastic, dedicated, and loving people who pick up any challenge you throw at them with smiles on their faces. Seeing this, I decided I wanted to work at camp one day to learn what makes them that way.

When I finally got the chance, I wasn’t expecting it to be here. I live in Washington and go to school in Tennessee, and I knew a total of maybe three other PSR staff members before I arrived. I wasn’t sure how I—who had never been a camper or worked at camp before in my life—would fit in with all these Californians who already knew each other, but my worries were quickly wiped away.

The way each staff member interacts with each other and with the campers, it is very clear that God has rooted Himself deeply in each of them. There’s no way we would have the strength to do our jobs by ourselves, but the faith and camaraderie that flows through this staff is absolutely powerful.

Being part of the media team, I am blessed to be able to witness and share the incredible things that happen here at PSR. When I look up at the stars while I’m taking down after evening programs, or when I listen to campers talk at the end of each week about everything they experienced and how much they look forward to returning next year, I know there are great things happening here. I look forward to seeing what the rest of the summer brings."

We are extremely proud of the work she is doing both with the kids and behind the camera. Charisse has been an extremely valued member of our team.

I'll be bringing you more profiles soon, but in the mean time stay tuned to our daily blog and don't forget to check out our daily photos on Instagram and Ultracamp. Until next time,          -Colin

Junior Camp #2: Thursday

Carnival Photo Booth

We absolutely love Thursdays here at camp. The morning starts off like a normal camp day. Breakfast, Camp Council, morning activity rotations and the rest all happen without interruption.. After our afternoon activity rotations end, we head to the field for big event (today it was Ultimate Soccer). Then we head off to dinner and from there our schedule changes drastically. 
Fun in the Drama Deparment
Ultimate Soccer

We abandon our typical journey to outpost  and instead head off to the PSR carnival. The carnival starts with a giant human sized game of Sorry.  The twist with the Sorry game is that the campers have to answer trivia to move instead of simply drawing cards. Each week we get a great response from campers and staff alike who love to play the game.

Then we break up the group and enjoy endless games of basketball, lasertag and food from our camp store. We even have a Photo Booth for campers to take silly photos with their counselors. Thursday is a nice, fun, silly day before the seriousness of our most impactful programs.

I’ll be posting more staff profiles soon and as always, have a great night,            -Colin

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Junior Camp #2: Wednesday

Blackfoot raising the flag

This morning we all gathered in the cafeteria for some delicious pancakes and fruit from the cold bar and then headed out to linecall where we were treated to a flag raising by cabin Blackfoot. That’s where our day deviated from the norm. We went to the Ponderosa Room for Camp Council instead of going to the church bowl. When we got there we sang a few songs and then we dimmed the lights and watched a video about the aftermath of the fire.

Pastor Jon in Ponderosa for Camp Council
Two years ago fire struck our home here at PSR. When we left the mountain we thought we may never see camp the same way again, but miraculously the camp was saved. She is still a little scarred but she survived and we are here to tell the story. God put a protective blanket around camp and we are so grateful to be here serving him today. We finished up at Camp Council with a message from Pastor Jon about righteousness.

Activities and classes opened until lunch when delivered the mail to our campers, but not before “Putt Putt” stole it from the campers. The media team retrieved the mail from “Putt Putt” and finally delivered it to the campers. From there we shifted back to our regular schedule for the afternoon complete with flag lowering and our final night of outpost.

Have a great day!,             -Colin

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Junior Camp #2: Tuesday

Outpost Night 2
This morning we were treated to breakfast burritos by the cafeteria and then headed off to line call where for the first time we saw our South Village campers raise the flag and then went to Camp Council where Pastor Jon taught us about how faith is the shield that protects us from all the bad things that could happen to us. 
Pastor Jon at Camp Council

From there we dismissed to our morning classes and rotations. Our classes had a great time skipping past the introductory lessons and getting to the meat of the material. I met the students in my photography class for the first time today and I’m incredibly excited to work with each and everyone of them. 

After our morning classes we came back for lunch and had some delicious enchiladas, but it was after lunch that the real fun started. We took the campers up to the cabins and had them take their cabin photos for the souvenir packages. Cabin photos is one of my favorite times of the week. I get to go talk to campers and make them smile and then capture it to send home.

After an hour of taking photos it was back to activity rotations. I spent some time visiting with Archery, Gymnastics, the store and field games today and everywhere I went, campers were having a great time. That’s why we work so hard here at PSR to make sure the Campers have a good time and come closer to Jesus.
Fun at Skateboarding

We premiered our second night of outpost to this group of kids tonight and it was a hit. The campers thought the conflict in the Wrightley was very dramatic and exciting. I’m thrilled to see how they respond to tomorrow night’s conclusion.

Looking forward to talking to you tomorrow,                     -Colin

Monday, July 13, 2015

Junior Camp #2: Monday

Nature Class with Jordi

Another week here at PSR has begun. This week more than any other is the week that people assume is just like the one before it. That couldn’t be further from the truth. The truth is that camp is and always has been about the campers. That being the case, we have a very different group of kids this week and that means that camp will be very different. 

Last week we had what seemed like a million high energy camp veterans in our cabins. They knew the drill, they knew what to expect and they wanted it to happen yesterday. We love those kids because they love camp, but the truth is that while they give us energy to get through the day, when they leave they leave behind a very tired staff. That makes us really excited for the group that follows them. It’s a smaller group and not many of them have been here before, we even have a group of foreign exchange students here this week.

The campers this week aren’t sure what to expect so they just wait and see what comes their way. They are a little more patient because of that. It gives our staff a little breather before next week. It also gives us the opportunity to spend more time one on one with the campers. We do everything we can to touch campers hearts, but sometimes they touch ours too and I have a feeling that’s what is going to happen at camp this week. 

This morning our South Village girl’s counselors raised the flag and started off our first full day of Junior Camp #2. From there we walked to the Church Bowl for Camp Council where we received a message from this week’s camp pastor. Jon, or Johnny as we call him around here has been a staff member here for years in our horsemanship and maintenance departments, but is serving this year as a youth pastor at Redlands SDA. He’s excited to be here and we are excited to have him.

Camp Council

After Camp Council we dismissed to our classes. I have eight students in photography this week and so far they have all been wonderful. Gymnastics has two boys this week as opposed to the all girls club from last week (see what I mean about every week being different?). Our new Adventurus class has seven really happy campers in it and I’m sure they are going to have a great time.

Oscar absolutely loves to teach skateboarding.
In each of our classes this week they took a short test this morning so we could be sure that we weren't teaching them something they already know. At the end of the week they will take it again to see how much they learned. I’m positive all our campers this week will learn a ton of new skills that they can come home and share with you. 

At the end of the day, we are just excited to be spending another week in paradise here at PSR,                        -Colin

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Junior #1: Friday

Friday Night Pageant

What a busy day it has been. This morning our classes met for the last time. We had the campers take a test over their skills to evaluate how much we were able to teach them in this short week. We always strive to teach them as much as possible so that we can be good stewards of the investment parents trust us with for their child.
Last Day of Adventurus Class

The day continued with Super Big Event. The campers dueled in a game of boys vs. girls extreme dodgeball. The twist is that rather than simply throwing to get everyone out, there is a line of cones that each side tries to knock over as well. The cones act as a clock because the first side to knock them all over wins. This means we can start new games sooner and get everyone back involved.

After we left the field, open activities began. The campers got a chance to play lasertag, go skateboarding, play soccer, swim in the pool or climb the wall at ropes. Skateboarding was absolutely flooded with campers, but our skateboarding instructor Oscar did a great job of making sure that each and every camper got the opportunity to skate.

Super Big Event Climbing Wall
We travelled from there to the cafeteria for dinner for everybody’s favorite meal: grilled cheese and tomato soup. Then we started the most important of our week. We cleaned for the Sabbath and then made our way to the campfire bowl for Pageant. Pageant this year follows a prodigal and her journey away from God and her family. In the final scene even those with the most reason not to accept her back, welcome her with open arms. 

Welcome Home to the Prodigal
Tomorrow morning we will be sleeping in a little and having breakfast as a cabin family. Then we will journey back in time to the Sabbath Village for an interactive bible experience. We can’t wait to show them God’s grace.

Blessings,                         -Colin

Friday, July 10, 2015

Junior #1: Thursday

Light Writing from Photo Class

This morning we woke up to a breakfast of omelets and tater tots. Then we headed off to camp council where Pastor Larry shared more stories about walking the talk. The rest of the day went pretty normally. We went to our activities and then during line call batman saved the mail and brought it to the campers.
Amanda at Line Call

Today was our first deviation from the regular daily schedule. After the activity rotations and dinner (which was my personal favorite: spaghetti and tortellini) concluded, we shifted to our special Thursday evening program: Carnival. Our carnival is an eclectic and entertaining time for everyone. 

We serve Ice-cream, Nachos and Popcorn. We set up a special store and had a basketball game going all night. We even had Lasertag available for the evening, but my favorite part of the night is the Photo Booth we set up for the campers to goof off. 
Snapshot from the Photo Booth

Before any of that began we hosted a giant game of life sized Sorry in which the campers were the pawns. The twist: before anyone could move they had to answer some camp related trivia. The campers love it and the staff have a great time too!

We can't wait to get started in the morning so without further ado, goodnight.                -Colin

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Junior #1: Wednesday

Blackfoot raising the flag
I’m pretty sure I sound like a broken record, but today was another great day here at PSR! We had a breakfast of waffles and fruit topping and then a flag raising done by cabin Blackfoot. At camp council this morning Pastor Larry taught us more about how to walk the talk. He even did the coke and mentos trick, which almost accidentally soaked a cabin in soda. It was all very exciting.

The morning classes then started and the campers all had a great time. In the photo class today we covered a few applications for a fast shutter speed. We shot at sports and skateboarding and showed the kids how to freeze motion with the camera.

Lunch was a hit, we had baked potatoes with chili and toppings. I asked a camper today what his favorite meal in the cafe was and he said “all of them” so I take that as high praise.

Afternoon activities went off without a hitch and then we went to the field for a game of ultimate handball. We had pizza for dinner and then cabin Nez Perce presented what must have been the most technically good flag lowering at camp this summer.

Finally we headed up to the fort for the final night of our story where Hope Gale attempted to pit the opposing heirs to the rightly estate against each other and have the winner inherit the Gail estate. When Jeremiah won and refused to finish off Rhett she ordered him killed, but then Autumn’s late husband’s brigade came to the rescue and informed Hope that Jeremiah is in fact the blood heir to both estates and that she had nearly ended the feud there by killing off both families.

Jeremiah and Rhett fight to stay alive.
The story touched a lot of hearts when everyone involved had a chance for gain, but they set it aside out of love. Jeremiah’s courage was immense to risk his own life to save the boy he thought was his enemy. That’s the kind of sacrifice Jesus made. Our kids loved the play and we do too.

I can’t wait to tell you about tomorrow. Good night!         -Colin

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Junior #1: Tuesday

Cornucopia on the Field
Day two is under our belts and we are still having a great time up here. Our classes are in full swing, after administering pretests yesterday we were able to dedicate all our time to teaching them the material for the week. We cherish every opportunity we get to teach our kids and these kids absorb so much information. We have such an opportunity to influence our campers this week and we have every intention of influencing them to learn new skills and to fall in love with Jesus.

We had a delicious lunch of mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables and then headed off to afternoon activity rotations. Then we went to the field where our Activities Coordinator Judith led us in a game of cornucopia. Cornucopia is a great game of free for all dodgeball kind of like “steal the bacon” we played in middle school. We view it as a safer alternative with much more entertaining results and the campers love it. It’s even the staff’s favorite game.

Outpost tonight was really interesting too. Autumn Wrightley went to her mother’s family for help, but when her adopted brother found out she had a son to be an heir to the family, he made a plan to protect his sons fortune. Tomorrow night we will find out what Autumn does to rescue Jeremiah from the Gail family.

We hope each and every camper has fun this week at PSR,       -Colin

Junior #1: Monday

A Shot from the Photo Class

Today was so much fun. With just one day under our belts I can already tell that Junior camp is going to be great. These kids are so much fun. They can stand in a straight line, they answer questions and their sense of humor has evolved beyond jokes about bodily functions. We love these kids (I know, I say that about all our campers, but its true). 

A class very close to my heart began today. Our digital photography class got their first chance to go shoot in the field at our Archery department. I love working with the kids as they develop into young photographers. Our curriculum is actually based a college photo curriculum adapted for younger kids and they leave here with all the knowledge they need to be strong amateur photographer. 

The gratuitous plug for my favorite class aside, the rest of the campers had a great time too. We had breakfast burritos in the cafe this morning and then we headed off to camp council where we heard our first message from Pastor Larry. Pastor Larry used to be a staff member here and now he is back to bring the word to our campers. 

Go-Karts after we came back from rainy day.
The rest of the day went according to schedule, except for a brief reprieve during the first afternoon activity rotation when we had to go to rainy day schedule, but our staff didn’t miss a beat and the campers had just as much fun playing games indoors.

In our first night of outpost we saw a young boy kidnapped by the evil Gail family and his mother run off for help. Tomorrow night we will find out where she goes and what the plan is to get them back.

We are so excited about camp this week,         -Colin

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Discovery Camp: Final Day

The Sabbath Village

What a way to end the week!  The morning began with breakfast baskets so the cabins could have some time together eating as a family. We sang songs together and then headed down to our sabbath village for our sabbath morning experience. The kids had a great time interacting with the inhabitants of the village until the evil governor arrived, but never fear Jesus was there to give the town hope and empower them to drive to governor away. 
These boys are God's soldiers. Singing at camp council.

We escaped the heat for lunch in the cafeteria and had some sabbath quiet time. Then we went to the Ponderosa Room and had our Sabbath Church Service with a message from Pastor Benny. 

We split up into groups for our sabbath afternoon program and came back together for vespers to close the sabbath. From there we headed over to the Campfire Bowl for Saturday Night at the Ranch. We sang songs, watched some hilarious skits and found out who won Cabin of the Week and Ultimate Cabin. We were also treated to a glowstick firework show presented by the staff.

Today was packed with programming for our kids to end camp in the right way. We will be sad to see our campers go, but next week’s campers will get here soon after.

Don’t forget that camper pick up starts tomorrow at 9:30 and ends at 11:30.

Blessings,    -Colin

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Discovery Camp: Day 5

Prayer Circle before Pageant
Is it really sabbath already? This week seems like it has flown by so fast. Surely yesterday we were welcoming the campers into the Ponderosa Room and sending them to their cabins. Nonetheless, a week full of memories is under our belts and we are preparing for our Sabbath change of schedule.
Flag Raising

Today we started with a sweet breakfast of french toast and from there we had a flag raising by Counselor Kristin and cabin Cheyenne. We went to Camp Council and from there we went to our morning rotations. Lunch was a summer favorite: corn dogs and watermelon.

Fun at the Archery Range
An hour later we met on the field for a game of handball. The kids had a blast getting the ball from goal to goal and our staff had a great time keeping up with them while they ran on the field. We opened the ropes course, the pool, drama and lazertag for super big event. The rest of the day was set aside for getting ready for the sabbath.

Then came our favorite part of the week: Friday night pageant. The stage flooded with campers committing their lives to Christ. We sang our hearts out as one by one the cabins went off to debrief after the program. Nothing excites us more than when a camper gives his life to Christ.

Tomorrow will be an exciting day as we celebrate the sabbath together. I can’t wait,        -Colin