Saturday, July 9, 2016

Hello from Junior Camp #1! (Friday)


Probably the best way to start a Friday is with some carbohydrates, so we had the campers munching on French toast, cold cereal, strawberries, bananas, toast, vege-patties, yogurt, dates, and various toppings for breakfast. Even though some of the campers are a bit older, a ladle full of syrup doesn't look like a whole bunch until you drop it onto a whole mess of food. It took the campers a little longer to construct their meals this morning, but French toast is a meal that can't really by rushed. 

For worship Pastor Pablo talked about sharing the gospel and using it to connect to others. After worships was over we split up for morning activities. On Fridays we do something a little different by allowing the cabins to choose which morning class they want to take (absent those signed up for specific classes). Sometimes all of the cabins want to do the same thing, but this Friday they were really nice and almost everyone got to do a rotation in an activity they loved.

Lunch today was baked potatoes, chili, chili toppings, Jello, salad bar, fruit, and we even let the campers have soda. After lunch it was time to go the store, have quiet time in our cabins, or even go for a nature hike with our counselor before super big event.

Super Big Event is when the camper get to visit the pool, the zip line, play soccer, do drama games, or laser tag. Cabins get to rotate through two of the activities between 3-5 pm, and most of them go to the pool or drama games.  
After those rotations we have dinner (it seems like all we do it eat and play at camp!) which was grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup, with full salad bar, French fries, orange slices, Jello, and water/milk. Grilled cheese sandwiches is a popular meal, and I saw lot of the staff filling up in preparation for the evening program.

At PSR Camp we start the Sabbath at sundown, and campers go to our sundown service after flag lowering. After singing a few songs we have our Pageant and then the camp pastor does a call for those who want to dedicate their life to Jesus for the first time. Most of the campers make this kind of decision at camp or choose to rededicate their lives to Christ and honor the sacrifice He made to cleanse us from sin.

Sabbath is my favorite day at camp and it's not even over yet.



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