Sunday, July 24, 2016

Tween Week is Full! (Thursday - Saturday)


Apologies to everyone who reads the blog, the internet has been uncooperative and I'm sorry if not getting updates made anyone worried. It would be hard not to blame the heat, between 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm it's been hot at camp the last couple of days and it's affected a few of our services up on the mountain.

We've been keeping the campers indoors as much as possible, which shortened the amount of time we had to do some programs. Overall I think we've been pretty successful, but I'm going to hold my breath until tomorrow. Next summer I'd like to encourage parents to dress their campers in shirts with sleeves and shorts that are comfortable and come to the knee. It might not be very fashionable, but you never know what the UV index is going to be up here at camp and clothing is a great defense against the sun.

Beyond that, the past few days have been pretty uneventful. The heat generally removes my desire to eat during the day, but the food has been consistently wonderful (I've been told). For today, we had a continental breakfast in the cabins, the lunch entrĂ©e was mashed potatoes with Special K loaf, and corn, and dinner was create your own sandwich bar. I really do love the food, and according to our parent surveys, so do the campers and our guests.   

Today was the last night of camp so we handed out the big awards, so here's who won:

Cabin of the Week:
North Village (boys): Cabin Shoshone 
South Village (girls): Cabin Blackfoot

The award for cabin of the week is a pullover with a hood.

Ultimate Cabin:
Cabin Delaware (which is a girls cabin)

The award for ultimate cabin is a hat.

If you see your camper with a pullover or hat tomorrow, please know that this week it was really competitive and difficult to win those awards. Next week will also probably be bad when it comes to cabin awards, but this week the competition was a little fierce. I'll let everyone know how it's going.

I'm sure there's a lot more to say. I hope you've all been able to see the photos on Ultracamp. The campers really loved their week and I'm sure they'll tell you all about it tomorrow.



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